New Address Explorer

We recently completed an upgrade to all of our DASH P2Pool nodes for our DASH Miner Address Explorer.   Our new Address Explorer integrates the CryptoID Address Explorer into the Miner Address links on our P2Pool nodes. The address explorer is accessed from the miner address list by clicking on the Explorer Address link, for the desired miner address, as shown … [Read more...]

NODE Updates – P2Pool Optimizations

Lately, we are seeing more and more miners upgrading their mining hardware to take advantage of the larger ASIC machines and mining hash rates. We think this is a great move and one we want to ensure our P2PoolMining Nodes support for the long-haul. However, with all the extra power coming into the mining arena for DASH, we are seeing a couple of issues arising. The … [Read more...]

Pools Updated (DASH 12.01.04)

Here’s just a quick post to let everyone know that we have completed the upgrade of all P2PoolMining.Us nodes to DASH version 12.01.04. The latest release of DASH is considered a maintenance release which does not contain any new features. However, it is suggested that everyone upgrade to this latest release as it does contain the following bug fixes; Changelog: … [Read more...]

Pools Updated (DASH 12.01.03)

Here's just a quick post to let everyone know that we have completed the upgrade of all P2PoolMining.Us nodes to DASH version 12.01.03. The latest release of DASH is considered a maintenance release which does not contain any new features. However, it is suggested that everyone upgrade to this latest release as it does contain the following bug fixes; fixes a bug in … [Read more...]

All Pools Running DASH 12.1

We're excited to announce that all of the P2PoolMining.Us DASH pools are now running the latest DASH Version 12.01.00! This was a huge upgrade of our P2Pool software along with the new DASH 12.01.00 Wallet Daemon. Our upgrades included some improvements to the default P2Pool software, along with the improvements noted in the official DASH P2Pool GitHub Repository … [Read more...]